Tag Archives: farming


DSC05504 snowy mountain

Well, well: snow. For the first time in fifty years or something. Two days ago, when I was wearing a lot of fleeces and standing out of the wind, it was quite warm. Yesterday was Day of The Snow and schools were closed across the land. And today the two men who have come from a faraway town to fix something are full of stories about road closures, snow on balconies, snow on the bull statue, snow in the bullring, snow on cacti, snow on prickly pears and snow on palm trees, snow on donkeys. Not only the stories, they show me the pictures, along with videos, of snow. Some I really liked, including one video of a man with a stiff brush tied to the front of his bike clearing a path, set to bad music. And another one that’s a compilation of slithering cars, also set to bad music entitled jajaja, or as I’d say hahaha.

It’s a big event though, this snow fall, irregular and signifying something. Bring on spring.

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